
New Iron Man Trailer (#2) HD - Keeps looking better and better

This movie looks great and these trailers keep getting me more amped for this film. Now if Marvel could only release some kind of footage for the Hulk.

Direct HD download via IGN

too bad the movie won't have the classically absurd Wolverine in iron man armor drawn by Ramos in Wolverine v3 #45.


APB: The Next "Best Game Ever"

Video is unreal, though the volume does suck. I had to turn mine all the way up. But its worth it.APB fucking amazing. If this title is managed properly the potential is amazing. the possibilities of interacting with a world of APB's magnitude and possibilities makes me want to actually get excited for a game.

Multiple Videos from GDC 08. Who ever recorded this video is too far away from the podium.

do turn the volume up.

watch this one closely. It best explains how the game structure works.